
World Greatest Inventions Quizs

World Greatest Inventions Quizs


1. Who invented the telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell

2. Who invented the railway engine? 

George Stephenson

3. Who invented Radar? 

– Heinrich Hertz

4. Who invented polio vaccine (oral)? 

Albert Sabin

5. Who developed the small pox vaccination? 

Edward Jenner

6. Which was to be discovered first in the chromosphere of the sun?


7. What famous scientist and inventor participated in the invention of the Aqua-Lung? 

Jacques Cousteau

8. Vulcanised rubber was invented by?

Charles Goodyear

9. The system for writing by blind people was invented by? 

Louis Braille

10. The steam engine was invented by?

James Watt

11. The revolver was invented by?

Samuel Colt

12. The nuclear reactor was invented by?

Enrico Fermi

13. The laws of floating bodies was discovered by?


14. The four blood groups were discovered by?

Karl Landsteiner

15. The existence of isotopes was discovered by?

Frederick Soddy

16. The electro-cardiograph was invented by?

Willem Einthoven

17. Stethoscope was invented by?

Rene Laennec

18. Spinning frame was invented by?

Richard Arkwright

19. Sodium was discovered by?

Humphry Davy

20. Safety matches was invented by?

Johan Edvard Lundstrom

21. Rayon was invented by? 

Georges Audemars

22. Radium was discovered by?

Marie and Pierrie Curie

23. Radioactivity was discovered by?

Henri Becquerel

24. Nylon was invented by?

Wallace Carothers

25. Microscope was invented by?

Zacharias Janssen

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