
SOC101 GDB 1 Solution Fall 2022

SOC101 GDB 1 Solution Fall 2022

By Study_Jobz
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1. Family life typically provides an environment for ensuring the vital
needs of foods and shelter, the generation and maintenance of wealth, and the provision of care and other nonmaterial resources. Family
functions regardless of family structure elicit similar behaviors and
practices worldwide. 

2. Societies around the world reply on the family to perform certain
functions. The basic functions of the family are to: regulate sexual
access and activity (2) provide an orderly context for procreation, nurture and socialize children, ensure economic stability, ascribe social
status. Families further impart affection, care and adaptive functions. 

3. Another important essential function of family is socialization. It is said
man is not born human but made human. New born human baby
became human being after they are socialized. Family plays an
important role in the socialization process.

 4. Family performs many educational functions for its members. As an
primary educational institution family used to teach letter, knowledge, skill and trade secret to all its members. It looks after the primary
education of its members and moulds their career and character. 

5. Family is the centre of all religious activities. All the family members
offer their prayers together and observe different religious rites, rituals
and practices jointly. All the members believe in a particular religion
and observer religious ceremonies at home. 

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