
Most important mcqs for all test

Most  important mcqs for all test


Most  important mcqs for all test 

Q1:The first black president of South Africa was?

✏Nelson Mandela

Q2:The least Populous Continent?


Q3:Country Who Spends largest on Defense?


Q4:Tallest tree in the world?


Q5:River that carries maximum level of water is?


Q6:Largest, heaviest&longest mammal is?

✏Blue Whale

Q7:Tallest Animal is?


Q8:The smallest Republic is?


Q9:Coldest Planet?


Q10:Hottest planet with surface temperature 464oC is?


Q11:Fastest Planet is?


Q12:Common element in atmosphere is?


Q13:Largest bone in human body is?


Q14:Longest Glacier is?

✏Lambert( Antarctica)

Q15:First President of USA was?

✏George Washington

Q16:Brightest Planet is?


Q17:First judge woman high court of Pakistan was?

✏ Majida Rizvi

Q18:Fastest Growing tree in the world is?


Q19:Largest state of USA is?


Q20:Biggest restaurants chain ?


Q21:First country to give women right to vote is?

✏New Zealand

Q22:Robert Peary reached North Pole in ?


Q23:How many pair of ribs are in human body?


Q24:Harvard University is in?

✏New Jersey

Q25:The sum of angels in a triangle is?

✏180 degree

Q26:HIV was identified in?


Q27:One barrel of petroleum is equal to?

✏42 US Gallons

Q28:Hazrat Bibi Amna died in?


Q29:How many kinds of circuit?


Q30:How many times protons are heavier than electrons?


Q31:The leader of Khilafat Movement?

✏Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Q32:Qazi Muhammad Essa belonged to?


Q33:Quiad E Azam presented his 14 Points in?


Q34:Khilafat Movement started in?


Q35:When Quaid Joined Muslim League?


Q36:First President of All-India Muslim League was?

✏Sir Agha Khan

Q37:Where All-India Muslim League was made?


Q38:All-India Muslim league was made in?


Q39:Lucknow Pact was made?


Q40:The real name of sachal Sarmast was?


1. Who was the founder of the Mughal Empire? 

- Babur

2. When was First Battle of Panipat fought?

 - 1526

3. Who defeated Ibrahim Lodhi in the First Battle of panipat? 


4. Who defeated Mewar of Rana Sangha in the Battle of Khanwa(1527) ? 

- Babur

5. Who fought against Babur in the Battle of Chanderi(1528) ? 

-Medini Rai of Malwa

6. Who fought against Babur in the Battle of Ghaghra(1529)? -

Muhammed Lodhi

7. When did Babur died ? 

- In 1530

8. Where is the Tomb of Babur situated? 

- Kabul

9. In the Battle of Dhuria ,who is defeated by Humayun? -

Mahamud Lodhi

10. Who built the city of Dinpannah on the site "Purna Quila" in Gujarat ? 

- Humayun

11. Who defeated Humayun in the Battle of chausa ? 

- Shershah (in 1539)

12. When did Shershah defeated Humayun in the Battle of Kanauj? 

- In 1540

13. Who is the father of Akbar ? -


14. When was Second Battle of Panipat ? 

- in the year 1556

15. Who is defeated in the Second Battle of Panipat ?

 -Hemu is defeated by Akbar

16. Who abolished the religious tax Jaziya ? 

- Akbar (in the year1564)

17. When did Akbar captured Gujarat ?

 - In the year 1572

18. Who built the city Fathepur Sikri (City of Victory) ?

 - Akbar

19. Who built Buland Darwaza ? 

-Akbar (Buland Darwaza is the gate way of Fathepur Sikri)

20. Where is Ibadatkhana situated ?

 - It is a prayer house in Fathepur Sikri ,constructed by Akbar

21. Who is the First English man to reach India ? 

- Ralph Fitch (during Akbar's reign)

22. What is the name of religion founded by Akbar ?

 - Din ilahi (It means Divine Faith)

23. In which battle Akbar defeated Maharana Pratap of Mewar ? 

- Battle of Haldighat (In the year 1576)

24. Who was the Mughal Empire when the English East India Company was being founded in1600 December 31 ?

 - Akbar

25. Where is the tomb of Akbar situated ? 

- Sikandra near Agra

26. What is the name of Akbar's military system? 

- Mansabdari system

27. Who was Akbar's revenue minister?

 - Raja Todarmal

28. Which Mughal empire built Agrafort ? 

- Akbar

29. What was the early name of Jahangir?

 - Salim

30. Who was the Sikh guru who was executed by Mughal empire Jahangir ? 

- Arjun Dev (fifth sikh guru)

31. Which Mughal empire built the Shalimar Garden ?

 - Jahangir (in Srinagar)

32. Which Mughal empire built the Nishant Garden ? 

- Jahangir (in Srinagar)

33. What is the name of Jahangir's Autobiography ? -

Tuzukh -i- Jahangiri (in persian language)

34. Where is the tomb of Jahangir situated ? 

- Shahadhara in Lahore

35. What was the early name of Shahjahan ? 

- Khurram

36. Which Mughal Empire's period is considered as the Golden Age of Mughal Architecture? 

- Shahjahan

37. Who is the architect of Tajmahal? 

- Uztad Iza

38. Which Mughal Empire built the Redfort ? 

- Shahjahan

39. What is the Gate way of Redfort called as ?

 - Lahore Gate

40. Who built the famous Peacock Throne ?

 - Shahjahan

41. Which Mughal empire is known as ‘Zinda Pir’ ? 


42. Which Mughal empire banned music and dance ? 


43. What is the name of Sikh Guru who was executed by Aurangazeb ? 

- Guru Teg Bahadur

44. Who built the monument Bibi ka Makbara ? 

- Aurangazeb (Bibi ka Makbara is known as mini Tajmahal)

45. Where is Aurangazeb’s tomb situated ? 

- Daulatabad in Maharashtra

46. Which ruler used the gun-powder for the first time in India?

- Babur, in the first battle of Panipat.

47. Where was the capital of Babur? 

- Agra.

48. What is "Tuzuk-e-Babri"? -

 It is the autobiography of Babur. He wrote it In Turkish Language.

49. Which Mughal ruler in Indian history as "Shah-e.- Bekhabar?" 

-Bahadur Shah.

50. During the reign of which Mughal ruler there was a Sikh rising in Punjab under the leadership of Banda Bahadur?

 -Bahadur Shah.

51. Who abolished the Jazia tax reimposed by Aurangzeb ? 

-Jahandar Shah.

52. Who was Ahmad Shah Abdali ? 

- He was the Defense Minister of Nadir Shah.

53. Between whom the third battle of Panipat was fought and when ?

 - Ahmad Shah Abdali and the Marathas in 1761 AD?

54. Which Mughal ruler participated in the battle of Buxar in 1764 AD, in favour of Mir Qasim of Bengal and Nawab' of Avadh Shuja-ud-Daula against the British rule? 

- Shah Alam II.

55. Who was the last ruler of Mughal dynasty ? 

- Bahadur Shah Zafar.

56. Where Bahadur Shah Zafar was deposed in capital? 


57. Where Bahadur Shah Zafar died ? 

- In Rangoon.

First Lady Governor Rana Liaquat Ali (Sindh) 


• First lady federal minister Vikarun Nisa Noor 


• First state to join Pakistan was 

Bahawul Pur

• First captain of cricket team 

Abdul Hafeez Kardar.

• First century Nazar Mohammd against India in 1954 in Lacknow.

• First Woman University is located in Rawalpindi.

• First governor of Punjab=Francis Moody.

• First CM of Punjab=Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot.

• First Governor of Sindh=Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah.

• First CM of Sindh=Ayub Khoro.

• First Governor of Baluchistan=Lt: General Riaz Hussain.

• First CM of Baluchistan=Attaullah Mengal.

• First Chief Justice of Pak: Sir Abdur Rasheed.

• First PM of Azad Kashmir=Abdul Hamid Khan.

• First President of AJK=Sardar Ibrahim Khan.

• First Commander-in-Chief of Pak: Army was Frank Miservi.

• First chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee was General Mohd. Sahrif.

• First chief of Staff of armed forces was General Tikka Khan.

• First governor State Bank was Zahid Hussain.

• First daily newspaper is Amroz 1947.

• First lady pilot was Shukriya Khanum.

• First museum of Pak established in Karachi in 1950.

• First Bank was United Bank (7th August, 1947)

• First Agriculture Reforms in Pak: Jan: 24, 1959.

• First Chief Election Commissioner of Pak: Mr. Khan F.M.Khan (25th March, 1956)

• Election Commision was created on 23rd March, 1956 under Article 137 of 1956 consititution.

• First Muslim Commander in Chief of Pak: Ayub Khan.

• First Radio Station established was of Karachi.

• First T.V station was setup at Lahore on Nov. 26, 1964.

• First lady Lady Major General in Pak: Dr. Shahida Malik.

• First Space satellite was launched by Pak: in 1990.

• First private TV Channel STN launched in 1990.

• First Chairman Senate was Habibullah Khan.

• First woman judge of High Court: Majida Rizvi.

• First constructed barrage of Pak: Sukkur Barrage.

• First Secretary General of Pak: Ch. Mohd. Ali.

• Agro museum is at Lailpur.

• First bio-gas plant was installed in 1974.

• First woman bank established on Dec: 1, 1989.

• Badshahi mosque built in 1670 A.D.

• Designataion of GG changed into President on 23rd March, 1956.

• Largest Hockey stadium is National Hockey Stadium Lahore.

• First minority minister of Pak: Joginder Nath Mandal held the portfolio of law.

• Largest railway tunnel is Khojak.

• Smallest dam of Pak: Warsak dam.

• Largest fort of Pak: “Rani Kot”.

• Nishan-e-Pakistan is the highest civil award of Pak:

• Second highest civil award is Hilal-e-Pakistan.

• Ayub National Park (Rawalpinidi) is the largest Park in Pakistan.

• Lahore Museum is the biggest in Pak.

• Largest Railway station is Lahore.

• Highest Pass is Muztag Pass which connects Gilgit to Xinkiyang.

• Largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal or Sukkur Barrage or Lance Down Pull built in 1936.

• Largest Cement Plant is Lucky Cement Plant near Luki Marwat.

• Largest road is Shahrah-e-Pak.

• Shortest river is Ravi.

• Smallest division is Karachi.

• Largest division is Kalat.

• Largest division of Sindh is Therparkar.

• Habib Bank Plaza Karachi has 23 stories (345 ft)

• Minar-e-Pak: is 196 ft, 8 inches high.

• Pakistan has its longest boundary with Afghanistan.

• Pakistan is 34th largest country in the world, 6th population wise.

• Smallest civil award is Tamg-e-Khidmat.

• First census of Indo-Pak: 1881.

• Highest dam is Mangla dam.

• Pak: expedition to Antarctica reached on 5 Jan, 1991 established Jinnah Research Station

• Longest tenure as Governor General was Ghulam Mohammad.

• Longest tenure as President was Ayub Khan.

• Longest period of rule was of Zia.

• Longest tenure as PM was of Liaquat Ali

• Shortest tenure as PM of Ayub Khan (3 days) then Shujaat Hussain (47 days).

• Shortest tenure as President is of Bhutto.

• Shortest tenure as Governor General is of Quaid.

• Longest tenure as Governor General is of Ghulam Mohd:

• Largest library is Quaid-e-Azam library.

• Largest University is in Punjab.

• Oldest university is in Punjab.

• The only non-military shaheed to receive Nishan-e-Haider was Subaidar Lalik Jan he belonged to NLI.

• Highest peak of Sulaiman mountains is Takht-e-Sulaiman.

• Highest peak is K2 (Goodwin Austin 5,611 meters)

• 2nd largest glacier of Pak: is Batura.

• Largest Island of Pak: is Manora.

• Smallest city is Jehlum.

• Longest tunnel rail= Khojak (2.43 miles) (Baluchistan), road=Lowari Tunnel (5 miles), water=Warsak Dam Tunnel (3.5 miles).

• Rainiest city is RawalPindi.

• Rainiest place is Muree.

• First Medical College was Nishtar Medical College.

• Smallest Dam is Warsak dam.

• Largest mountain range is Karakoram.

• First to receive Nishan-e-Hyder was Mohd. Sarwar Shaheed.

• First private airline of Pakistan is Hajvari.

• Pak’s Second largest city is Lahore.

• Abdur Rasheed was the first chief Justice was the first chief justice of Pakistan.

• Zafarullah khan was the first foreign minister of Pakistan.

• Keenjhar is the largest man made lake in Pakistan.

• Manchar Lake is the biggest lake of Pakistan.

• Trich Mir is the highest peak of Hindu Kush.

• Largest coal mine is in Quetta.

• In Pakistan, first woman bank was established in the year 1989.

• Pakistan’s first geo-scientific laboratory is functioning in Islamabad.

• The highest point of the Khyber Pass is Landhi Kotal.

• The first atomic power station of Pakistan was installed in Karachi.

• The First President of America who made an official visit to Pakistan was Dwight D. Eishenhower

• Largest airline is PIA.

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